Kutlukent 80. Yıl İlkokulu

26 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

Occupational Orientation

Turkish Educational System has being  changed in these days. And because of  this new law  , compulsory education will be 12 years.
But Since 1997 till now , 8-year education has been compulsory in Turkey.
At the end of this education , students who want to continue their educations take an exam that made an election.But ofcourse to be able to choose correct high school for themselves  , students have to know the high school that was choosen would give them  what kind of opportunities .
In this context, Our school's guidance counselor held in some visits to different kind of high school.
You can find some photos belong to these visits;(06.12.2011)

You can find some photos belong to these visits

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