Kutlukent 80. Yıl İlkokulu

27 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

A Trip to Know Aroud of Samsun and to Learn a bit History

To be able to become an entrepreneur , the person must know close environment firstly.The people who know their own source , would be succesfull what they want to do.
In this context , our students carried out a trip to Amasya, in order to learn one of their limitless sources.
Amasya is an old city that was used for education of  "şehzade" (sons of sultans) in Ottoman Empire time. Before that there had been many civilisations.

The city that has been situated on a River named of Yeşilırmak, gave birth many civilisation and you can see the traces of them.
When you visited this old city you can come across a mummy or old style Turkish house. Not only these you can meet some rock tombs belong to kings.

Let's take a look some pics belong to this trip.

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